CWL holds annual euchre in Drayton

A very foggy Friday night meant a much smaller crowd than usual, but the enthusiasm amongst the players and attendees was still clear.

The Catholic Women’s League (CWL) of Drayton hosted their annual Euchre card party on Oct. 4.

Tables of four players each participated in the event at the St. Martin of Tour’s parish hall. This euchre has been a long-standing  tradition.

The following players received recognition and prizes for their card-playing accomplishments: Women’s High, Barb Driscoll ($12); Women’s 2nd High, Marion Walker ($10); Women’s Most Lone Hands, Sharon Naylor ($10); Women’s Low, Dianne Downey ($5); Men’s High, Jim Walker ($12); Men’s 2nd High, Robert Peel ($10); Men’s Most Lone Hands, Pete McDougall ($10); and Men’s Low, Robert Naylor ($5).

Door prize winners of the autumnal Chrysanthemums were Mike Downey, Joe Riff, and Barb Noonan.

Bonnie Macbeth was the lucky winner of the “Half and Half” draw while winners of other special draws were Albert Runstedler, Theresa Campbell, Marina Hays, and Marg Driscoll.

A full lunch with fresh buns, cold meats, cheddar cheese, onions, pickles, tomatoes, lettuce, beverages, and desserts was served after ten rounds of euchre were played.

“We are especially appreciative of all those who came to play, talk and be in one another’s company and community for the evening,” organizers state.

Organizers also offered thanks to all those who helped and made other contributions and to Barry Gourlay’s grocery store of Moorefield for numerous donations. CWL members also appreciate their parish priest’s support (Fr. Peter Golinski); the parish set up crew; the event’s master of ceremonies (Earl Campbell); the evening’s helpers (Martha, Marie, Pat, Rose, Barb H, Marg, Mike, Theresa, Eileen, Dianne, and Barbara); the prize donors and dessert developers; the clean up people; and all who contributed.

The CWL invites everyone to attend the next euchre on the first Friday of October in 2014.

submitted by Barbara Downey

