Well-known specialist hosts seminar on special learning needs

Carol A. McMullen is a well-known specialist and speaker on how to handle special learning needs at school and at home.

She works one-on-one with clients of all ages, helping them understand their disability and figure out strategies to continue to learn.

“I use reality-based simulations to help participants actually experience what it feels like to be unable to process classroom or workplace information and assignments,” McMullen said.

“Participants feel the frustration and fear our students and workplace colleagues (or ourselves) experience as well.”

McMullen is offering a seminar for parents and professionals who work with children with ADHD, learning disabilities, non-verbal learning disabilities and Asperger’s called Neuroplasticity: What is it? Can it really provide cures for Learning Problems?

The workshop is Oct. 20 from 2 to 4pm at the Holiday Inn, Scottsdale Drive, Guelph. Cost is $25 by cheque or $28 by paypal through the website www.carolmcmullen.ca.
