Free woodlot management workshop planned by CVC in Caledon on Nov. 16

Credit Valley Conservation (CVC) invites rural landowners to a free woodlot management workshop on Nov. 16 from 9am to 12:30pm at CVC’s Forestry Operations Centre, 15526 Heart Lake Rd, Caledon.

Participants will learn how easy and inexpensive it can be to plant a forest. Landowners who take advantage of CVC’s tree planting services can pay as little as $150 to start their own forest. Attendees will also learn about forest management challenges and best practices.

“Planting a forest, combined with good management, can provide landowners with a variety of benefits, one of them being financial,” said Mike Puddister, director of restoration and stewardship for CVC.

The workshop also addresses the issue of invasive plant control in woodlots and the services CVC can provide to landowners to remove these invaders and restore woodlot health.

“One of the major challenges facing woodlot owners in the area is the influx of the devastating emerald ash borer pest,” stated Puddister. “It is important for woodlot owners to know what actions they can take if their property becomes affected.”

The workshop includes a trip to a plantation marked for thinning. Participants will see a real example of forest plantation management they can apply to their own land.

Attendees are asked to dress for the weather. Participants will have an opportunity to win door prizes. Complimentary morning snacks and lunch will be provided. The workshop is free, thanks to funding from CVC’s regional and municipal partners. Participating landowners should own one acre or more of rural property and reside in the Credit River Watershed. Space is limited.

Those interested should register online at or by phone at 1-800-668-5557 ext. 436.
