Business owners should not be afraid to ask questions

The question of “What can I do to grow my business?” will often come up with business owners who attend various chamber events. The short answer I usually give them is information.

As business owners we are often not very good at asking for help or always knowing where to find help. With the technology and information services moving ahead at what seems like the speed of light, it is impossible to keep on top of all the research, regulations, consumer expectations, economic forecasts, governmental programs and other issues that affect our businesses.

I have never been afraid to ask questions. Get out and get involved with your business organizations/associations or your local chamber of commerce. I have met many business owners of local companies that we have utilized in our business.

At networking events there are opportunities to highlight your business at minimal cost, and hear how other people have either failed or become successful. Learning the good and the bad will help you to make informed decisions that will help your business grow.

Small businesses are generally managed by less than five people and we try to be good at everything.

I once had someone say to me – “Decide what you enjoy doing the least, and give that job to someone else.”  At first I thought, “well there is just me and I can’t afford to have someone else do it,” but when a job is something you dislike you often do not do a very good job at it.

These are the jobs that often are the profit-making and planning tools you need to make your business successful.

Now, go out and get involved in a business organization and start learning more about your community and the businesses in it.

Janet Harrop of Harrcroft Acres Ltd. is president of the Centre Wellington Chamber of Commerce.
