The drive will be a bit slower on parts of Victoria Road in the near future.
On Oct. 2, Puslinch council approved a bylaw to reduce the speed limit on Victoria Road South for a distance of 1.3 km south of Wellington Road 34 from 80 km/hr to 60 km/hr and repealed its previous bylaw regulating speed on that section of road.
Residents of the area have expressed concerns regarding safety in the area of Victoria Road between County Road 34 south to Gilmour Road. Upon receiving the request from residents, staff entered the data into the TAC automated Speed Limit Guidelines and discovered, as determined by the road characteristics, the recommended posted speed limit is 60 km/hr.
The costs associated with implementing the change in the rate of speed is estimated at $700 for signage.
The Highway Traffic Act authorizes the council of a municipality to pass a bylaw to prescribe a rate of speed different from the rate set out in the legislation that is not greater than 100 km/hr and may prescribe different rates of speed for different times of day.
Staff are to provide a copy of the township’s Authorizing Speed Limits Bylaw to the Ontario Provincial Police.
The bylaw was endorsed by councillors.