Free tuition to Crown wards, youth leaving CAS care

Ontario is helping current and former Crown wards, and youth leaving the care of Children’s Aid Societies, pay for postsecondary education programs.

On Tuesday, Brad Duguid, Minister of Training, Colleges and Universities and Teresa Piruzza, Minister of Children and Youth Services announced that starting in the 2013-14 school year, the government, partnering with all Ontario Universities and a third of Colleges will increase financial aid provided for youth in and leaving care by:  

– providing a Living and Learning grant of $500 per month to youth aged 21 to 24 enrolled in OSAP-eligible college and university programs;

– covering 100 per cent of their tuition fees, up to a maximum of $6,000 per year.

Through the new program, Ontario will cover the first 50 per cent of tuition costs with the Access Grant for Crown Wards and the 30% off Ontario Tuition grant for eligible students. All of Ontario’s public universities, and one third of colleges, will cover the remaining cost of tuition, for up to four years of postsecondary study.

“This is great News for Crown wards and youth leaving care who want to pursue postsecondary education in Ontario. The number of colleges and universities that are partnering with us to deliver a program to help young people succeed has more than doubled for 2013-14, and we expect more to take part in the coming years,”  said Duguid, in a press release.

About 500 youth will have 100 per cent of their tuition fees paid for, up to a maximum of $6,000, in the 2013-14 school year. About 850 students qualified for an Access Grant for Crown Wards in 2012-13.

For more information on the post-secondary financial aid visit
