The award-winning show, “I Am Not Neil Young, The Musical” is coming to Hillsburgh, for two performances only, on June 29.
Written by Don Lamoureux and Frank Wilks, former singer and guitarist of Buffalo Springfield Revisited, the show is an upbeat multi-media presentation, with back-projections featuring episodes from Neil Young’s career, plus music from Wilks and a talented group of musicians, as Wilks tells his stories of the ups anddowns of living a rock-star life in the shadow of Neil Young.
Having filled the shoes of Neil Young and Richie Furray in the band he was actually mistaken for Neil Young himself, because he sounded so much like him. Wilks ends up finding himself and dealing with issues in his life. In the second half of the show, Wilks will be performing a solo concert of Buffalo Springfield songs as well as his own songs from his 10 CDs.
The show plays at 2:30pm and 8pm, at Century Church Theatre, 72 Trafalgar Road, Hillsburgh. Tickets are $27 and may be reserved at 519-855-4586.