Japanese jazz musicians to play early summer concert in Eden Mills

Eden Mills Music at the Hall presents its fourth annual early summer concert featuring Sapporo City Jazz Festival Contest winners. This year Chihiro Yamazaki plays trumpet, with the Route 14 Band, a trio featuring bass, piano and drums. The artists will also be performing at the Toronto International Jazz Festival. The concert takes place at the Eden Mills Community Hall at 7:30pm on June 29.

Chihiro Yamazaki plus Route 14 Band is a new-generation instrumental jazz group from Japan. They have performed across Japan, as well as internationally. Most recently, in March 2013, on tour in North America, they participated in the Canadian Music Festival’s Japan Nite at Clinton’s Tavern in Toronto.

Founded in 2012, the group released Yozorano Trumpet, its first CD in 2012 and will soon release a classic cover album The Nutcracker/Tchaikovsky. They have won first prize at the Sapporo Jazz Festival and the Sumida Street Jazz Festival.

Chihiro Yamazaki a.k.a. Anna, plays trumpet in the well-known Japanese band Tokyo Brass Style which boasts over 20,000 indie CD albums sold, before signing on with Universal Music Japan. Route 14 artists are Satoshi Yamashita (drums), Koji Yamamoto (bass), and Hana Takami (keyboard).

Before arriving in Eden Mills, the band will have played two concerts at the Toronto International Jazz Festival – at the Rex Jazz and Blues Bar on June 28 at 2pm, and in the Distillery District, Pure Spirits Patio at noon on June 29 before coming to Eden Mills.

Organizers note Eden Mills enjoys the opportunity to hear these artists early in their careers in the “intimate and acoustically-excellent Community Hall.”

The concert is a fundraiser for the Community Hall’s Energy Retrofit. Tickets can be purchased for $25 at the door or in advance at: The Bookshelf, Quebec Street, Guelph, 519-821-3311; or from Kit Bresnahan, 519-856-1188 or kitbresnahan1@gmail.com.
