WI members learn about preparation of turkey roll

Alma Women’s Institute members and friends enjoyed a demonstration on de-boning a turkey and making a turkey roll.

Lenora Arbuckle gave a demonstration and participants had a chance to enjoy the finished product at the end of the evening.

The annual meeting with the election of officers followed the demonstration. Results of the election were: president Helen Moffatt, secretary Margaret Hall, treasurer Ruth Grose, first vice-president Shirley Fletcher, second vice-president Lenora Arbuckle. PRO is Pat Salter, who installed the officers.

Plans were made for the mystery tour meeting to be held June 20. Participants are to meet at the hall at 11:30am.

A shower of saleable gifts for the gift shop of the newly-reopened Erland Lee Museum will be held in the future.

A letter will be written to the minister of education regarding nutritional training for students.
