Mayor Lou Maieron would like the public to have a hand in determining council salaries and any potential raises.
On May 7, Maieron raised a motion regarding a remuneration policy to be effective for the next term of council.
His motion was to direct staff to advertise an ad-hoc committee to develop a council remuneration plan/policy for the next council in 2014.
Such a committee would be established this year and a report prepared for council’s consideration by year’s end.
Maieron said his motivation for this proposal is that there were concerns raised by the public that “when staff gets a pay increase, council automatically gets the same percent increase.”
Maieron said that while that approach is acceptable under the Municipal Act, there is no option other than developing another approach.
He stated other municipalities have created ad hoc committees to look at the issue of council pay and whether remuneration is fair.
Maieron added that this would be to set the remuneration for the next, not the current term of council.
“This would put ourselves in the hands of the public to look at this as an element of fairness.”
That approach could also dispel a perceived conflict of interest where council’s decision to alter staff pay also affects their own salary.
Councillor Barb Tocher asked for deferral until staff has had a chance to develop terms of reference for an ad hoc committee – and the terms approved by council before any advertising is done, or a committee created.
Maieron suggested that was implied.
The motion was deferred.