Council here has formally adopted a corporate strategic plan that has been in development for over a year.
The process of creating the plan began in January 2012 and Mapleton residents provided input through participation in a “conversation café” at the PMD Arena, as well as an on-line survey.
Approval of the plan in draft form at the Feb. 5 council meeting set in motion a public consultation period that ended March 23.
The plan, adopted at the April 9 council meeting, will be used as a tool to guide the municipality in providing municipal services, annual budgets and long-term planning.
“The Township’s strategic plan should be a living document, continually being referred to by both council and staff that will guide our day-to-day activities, budget process and long term planning, but more importantly will create an opportunity for ongoing dialogue between council, staff and the community,” stated CAO Patty Sinnamon in a report to council at the April 9 meeting.
Sinnamon said staff recommends council and staff meet semi-annually to review the plan and determine whether objectives are being reached. She also suggested council consider hosting an annual town hall meeting “as one way to ensure public feedback on whether the actions being implemented truly meet the public’s expectations.”
Top priorities outlined in the plan as result of public consultation included:
– a more friendly community with everyone working together (young and old). “Residents would like to see opportunities where multi-generations work together on township initiatives such as recreation planning and community projects,” the plan states;
– engage the community to take ownership of the community. “Residents indicated that they often do not know what is (going on) with various projects and often don’t know until the shovel is in the ground – they would like to more informed and be more engaged in decision making. Residents also indicated better relationships need to be built between the public, council and staff;”
– co-operative approach in business development. “Participants at the community engagement meeting identified the need for the municipality to be more proactive in supporting local business. Business owners expressed frustration with the processing of development applications;”
– maintain and enhance services, facilities and infrastructure. “Residents feel the current level of service they receive is good, but are concerned about costs in replacing infrastructure in the future. Concern was expressed about our aging halls. They need to be updated if we want to rent them out. Washrooms at our halls were identified as particularly needing upgrading. Participants identified the need to balance growth with the rural community that they currently enjoy;”
– develop a township where people of all ages have a place to live, work and play. “The township has a good mix of housing and welcome the addition of the new apartment building for seniors. More needs to be done to keep younger generation in the community and not move to larger centres;” and
– promote and develop an active community (biking, trails, golf). “Residents in the urban areas make good use of the township’s various walking trails. We need to promote them to the rural residents … Mapleton is a relatively ‘young’ municipality according to the 2011 census data. Residents wish to remain active in numerous types of recreation activities. The township has recently adopted a Parks and Recreation Master Plan. Consideration of that plan should also be given when adopting long range plans.”
Prior to passage of the plan, councillor Andy Knetsch questioned the inclusion of the phrase “a more friendly community,” in the priority list. Knetsch said the statement leaves the impression the township is not a friendly place.
“I see all these volunteers that we have and the tremendous amount of things that are going on, where people volunteer and work together,” he noted.
“You think we’re friendly enough, you just want to maintain that,” commented Mayor Bruce Whale.
Sinnamon noted the statement came out of the public engagement sessions.
“I think this is a good statement for a strategic plan. We want to become even more friendly,” said councillor Jim Curry.
A complete copy of the plan, can be viewed on the township’s website at