Truckload Rain Barrel Sale in Elora to help fund community kitchen program

The Bungalow55 Community Kitchen Project is now accepting pre-sale orders for a Truckload Rain Barrel Sale scheduled for May 25 at Elora’s Bungalow55 (at 55 Geddes Street) from 10am to 1pm.

Rain barrels are being sold for $50 each and funds raised will support bungalow55’s community kitchen program to improve and expand the certified kitchen.

Bungalow55 has a certified community kitchen that is available to support the many activities that take place at this collaboration centre. The community kitchen has also become the incubator for community members who are starting food-based businesses like catering and product sales. Having become popular, the kitchen needs to grow, making more space to work in, storage space for multiple users, and creating a community dining area for community meals.

One community group that will benefit greatly from these improvements is a group of home-schooled children who are forming a food club and preparing traditional feasts for their families. They are learning about foods from around the world and cultural and traditional ways of preparing and presenting meals. Bungalow55 is also hosting a series of do-it-yourself workshops for the public. Some of these workshops will be about food, and a larger kitchen with dining area will comfortably host community members who are eager to learn new skills.

Rain barrels capture and store rain water collected from roofs through downspouts. They provide chlorine-free and fluoride-free water which is ideal for flowers, vegetables, lawns, shrubs and trees. Collected water has a number of other uses including washing cars, cleaning floors, laundry and more. These many uses can provide cost savings and conservation opportunities for every homeowner, especially those who pay to have water trucked in, use a well or have a water meter installed.

“Bungalow55 is devoted to supporting a sustainable and resilient community, and rain barrels help our communities and our world become more sustainable,” the organization states.

Purchasers have a choice of two colours and each rain barrel comes equipped with all the parts needed for setup. These environmentally-friendly products were once used to transport fruits and vegetables and have been refurbished and repurposed to offer years of reliable service as rain barrels. All orders must be placed online in advance at or call 519-846-2172 for more information.

Bungalow55 is a collaboration centre that provides space to individuals and groups who want their world and their neighbourhoods to reach their full potential. The organization support ideas and working together to connect ideas to action. “We believe that when we work together, great things can happen personally and community-wide,” the organization states.

For more information contact, visit or call 519-827-2091. reclaims food-grade barrels to be reused as rain barrels. Partnerships with local non-profit organizations result in fundraising truckload sales events for dozens of communities in Ontario. For more information, contact Larry Pomerantz at or 905-545-5577 or visit
