The month of May is dedicated to raising awareness and preventing sexual assault from affecting us all.
Sexual Assault Awareness Month is an annual campaign to raise public awareness about sexual assault and educate communities and individuals on how to prevent sexual violence.
For 35 years, Guelph-Wellington Women in Crisis has lead the way in supporting women who experience sexual violence and engaging communities in prevention efforts.
There are many myths floating out there about sexual assault that prevent victims from speaking up and seeking help:
– sexual assaults are most often committed by strangers.
FALSE: It is estimated that the majority of women (63% to 83%) are sexually assaulted by someone they know;
– sexual assault is not very common.
FALSE: Two-thirds of all women are sexually assaulted or victims of sexual violence
– women provoke sexual assault by their appearance or behaviour.
FALSE: What a woman wears, where she goes, what she drinks or whom she talks to does not mean she is inviting a sexual assault. No one “asks for it.”
What to do if you or a someone you know has been sexually assaulted:
– remember that the assault is not your fault and it is your choice what to do next;
– go to a safe place;
– get medical attention;
– reporting assault to police is a choice;
– seek support. You can access support through our Crisis Line 1-800-265-7233, Sexual Assault Centre (Guelph residents 1-519-823-5806) and the Rural Women’s Support Program.
Local offices are: Palmerston 519-343-5192; Fergus 519-843-6834; Mount Forest 519-323-3638; Erin: 519-833-2301; and Rockwood 519-836-1110 x 307).
You are not alone. There people who can help. Help them to identify safety concerns and encourage them to get medical attention.
For more information visit