Mapleton plans budget open house

The township is hosting a budget open house for the public on April 2.

The event, intended to provide local taxpayers with an opportunity to review the township’s proposed 2013 budget, is scheduled for 7pm at the township administration office at 7257 Sideroad 16.

Staff and council members will be on hand to answer questions at the open house.

Council plans to pass the 2013 budget at its regular council meeting on April 9 at 7pm. Citizens may also make a presentation on the proposed budget at the meeting, provided they notify CAO Patty Sinnamon prior to 5pm on April 3. Written submissions received will be read at the council meeting.

Copies of the bylaw will be available during regular office hours at the township office by April 4. The budget bylaw may also be viewed on the township’s website:

A draft budget presented at a special meeting on Feb. 21 would see council spending about $6.86 million in 2013, offset by revenues of just over $3 million, leaving a little more than $3.85 million to be raised through the tax levy.
