Wordfest gives voice to spoken word on April 4

The Elora Centre for the Arts will again play host  to Wordfest, an evening of spoken word on April 4.

Wordfest welcomes writers and storytellers to an evening that celebrates the spoken word.

Featured readers and open-mic participants bring poetry, prose and storytelling to share.

Now several years in the running, Wordfest is much anticipated for those who like to perform spoken word stories and those who like to listen.

The event is facilitated by Donna McCaw, a poet and published author in both prose and non-fiction. Wordfest is open to people of all ages who wish to sign up for a segment of the program or come out to listen and enjoy. Admission is $6 (children and youths free).

The event takes place in the Harris Room of the Elora Centre for the Arts. Doors open at 7pm, readings begin at 7:30pm. For more information visit www.eloracentreforthearts.ca or call 519-846-9698.
