Calendar Girls uncovers some laughs in upcoming Erin Theatre production

When the amateur rights to Calendars Girls were released in 2012 for a period of only 12 months, Erin Theatre grabbed the opportunity to produce it.

The production has inspired a fundraiser with the creation of the Erin Calendar Girls calendar, with all the proceeds going to Bethell Hospice in Inglewood.

The merchants along Main Street in Erin jumped at the chance to be part of this fundraising effort, offering their shops as the backdrop for the nude photos.

Each of the actors in the local production of Calendar Girls was assigned a merchant and a calendar spot, with the photography shot over 12 evenings in October.

The calendar was released to coincide with Erin’s Window Wonderland, in November, were Main Street shops unveil their Christmas décor.

All contributors to the calendar were volunteers, including photographers Jim Steele and Michelle Emson and artistic producers Kathryn DeLory and Susanna Lamy, plus volunteers for publicity and the Erin Theatre board of directors.

The theatre group, like the cast of the original movie, are raising funds to support a hospice centre.

The cast is using the production to thank long-time supporter and friend Lorna Bethell, who allows one of her barns to act as a set storage facility for Erin Theatre.  

The Bethell Hospice facility occupies five acres in Inglewood. There is no cost to the patients and each is referred by their doctor.  Most guests have a life expectancy of three months or less and family members are encouraged to stay with their loved ones.  

The Erin calendar has now gone into its third printing and organizers will be presenting a cheque to Bethell Hospice at the Calendar Girls Gala opening night, March 21.

The play will be on stage at Erin’s Centre 2000 March 21 to 23 and March 27 to 30 with 8pm performances, and March 23 and 30 with 2pm matinees.

Tickets are $20 for adults, $15 for seniors and students.

To order tickets, call 905-873-6868 or for orders using Visa, call What’s Cookin’ at 519-833-0909.

For more information visit
