Since the fall of 2010, rural Wellington County families have been participating in a unique and effective parenting program called Strengthening Families.
Since then the program has had a successful track record of building stronger families and this success is no accident.
Based on an evidence-based program, two versions were developed and both are offered in Wellington County.
Strengthening Families for the Future is geared to parents/caregivers and their children (7 to 11 years) who commit to attending a 14-week program which details ways to communicate more effectively, spend meaningful time together and discuss hard topics, such as limits and consequences.
For parents with youth (12 to 16 years) the program is called Strengthening Families for Parents and Youth and runs for nine weeks. In this program, communication is still a key discussion topic but some of the hard topics also include discussing alcohol and drug use. Since the beginning, these programs have been delivered in a coordinated effort, and currently are funded by the Province of Ontario Proceeds of Crime Grant. The County of Wellington, the OPP and the Mount Forest Family Health Team work together to facilitate the distribution of the grant. Staff from community organizations, agencies and other health teams, make time to facilitate one evening each week. Their energy and expertise assists them to teach parents ways to cope, communicate better and build resiliency in their youth.
Youth learn similar and compatible skills. This translates into children and youth, who are better able to handle themselves when faced with tough situations in the future.
Another reason this program is highly recommended by past participants is the built-in supports.
First and foremost, the program is free. Child care is available for families that have children too young to participate as well as supports to help with transportation to and from the group if needed. As groups are held in the evening, a meal is also included and provides time for families to catch up over the past week before beginning the evening’s discussions. The format of the program is also unique; splitting adults and youth into separate rooms to gain information and learn skills in different ways. Later in the evening, the families and facilitators come together to engage in fun activities to review the night’s topic.
The combination of all these components that work to make this one of the most recommended parenting programs in the world.
Wellington County families will next have an opportunity to participate in the coming weeks:
– Strengthening Families for the Future will begin in Rockwood on Feb.19;
– Strengthening Families for Parents and Youth will begin in Arthur on March 20.
Details can be found online on Facebook, at Strengthening Families Wellington, or by contacting program coordinator, Elsa Mann at 226-343-5222.