The Elora Community Theatre has announced the production of the world premiere, A Dying Family Tradition, by Dianne Lococo.
The adult comedy will be performed at the Fergus Grand Theatre, Jan. 18 to 20, and 24 to 26, with evening perforamnces at 8pm and a Sunday matinee at 2pm.
Seasoned actors, Liz Dennis, Kate Gregg, James Barry, Jason Seelmann and Emma Barr will bring their considerable talents to this Western Ontario Drama League Festival entry.
Under the able guidance of veteran theatre director Robin Bennett, A Dying Family Tradition promises to be fast paced and hilariously entertaining.
The script follows Cadence, who is all alone in the world after her mother’s funeral—until her dead mother, Agnes, appears. Then her dead father, Paxton is followed by some lost relatives, sister Melody and half-sister Harmony. People dying becomes a family tradition.
Tickets are available by calling 519-787-1981 or Reduced prices are available for seniors and students.