Time changed for big citizens meeting at legion

Ontario Neighbours United will be hosting its meeting in Harriston to consider issues of city and country treatment at 1pm this Saturday.

Greg Schmaltz telephoned the Advertiser on Monday to state the time was changed. He explained that a group opposed to wind turbines will be meeting at 10am. He added that if people wanting to consider issues more general than just turbines, his group will have brochures and an information booth available at the earlier meeting.

Schmaltz said the turbine group simply meets every three months to keep up on the issues, but Ontario Neighbours United is concerned with a number of issues in the province that seem to pit city interests against the rural areas.

The group will be meeting at the Harriston Legion from 1 to 3pm.

Schmaltz added that there is a large parking lot behind the legion for those unfamiliar with the community.
