Deputy fire chief retiring after 30 years of service

About two dozen Guelph-Eramosa firefighters packed the council chamber here on Monday night for a brief ceremony recognizing one of their comrades.

Deputy fire chief Dan Hitchcock is retiring this year after three decades of service to the department.

“Thirty years is a lifetime,” councillor Doug Breen told the gallery.

He noted that Hitchcock, one of the first local firefighters he ever met, played a big role years ago in helping to bring a new fire hall to Rockwood.

But, Breen added, it’s not that type of “flashy stuff” that makes the difference.

“It’s the missed meals and missed birthday parties over the years,”  said Breen before thanking Hitchcock for his service.

Mayor Chris White said the township is “honoured” to have had Hitchcock serve with the department. The deputy chief’s familiarity within and of the community is a testament to his  dedication, added White.

Fire Chief John Osborne said Hitchcock has been popular throughout his tenure with the department, which began in 1982 and saw no fewer than  fire chiefs leading the department. Osborne lauded Hitchcock for his “vast amount of experience” with the township and with the fire department.

“We will miss you,” Osborne told Hitchcock.

Councillor John Scott also thanked Hitchcock, noting township volunteer firefighters regularly put their lives at risk for others.

“That is, in itself, a task which few wish to take on,” Scott said.

Hitchcock offered few words upon receiving a plaque, though he made sure to shake the hand of every fellow firefighter in the room.
