The Guelph Youth Singers (GYS) have invited three school choirs – Mitchell Woods PS, Westwood Public School, Resurrection Christian Academy – and the Guelph Youth Music Centre’s Kids Chorus to “When Children Sing – a Choral Event” on Feb. 16.
The event will comprise daytime rehearsals with the participating school choirs and Kids Chorus and an evening concert by the choirs along with the choirs of Guelph Youth Singers.
Linda Beaupré, the conductor and artistic director of GYS, will visit the schools and Kids Chorus in advance of the event for workshops to help the choirs work on massed choir pieces.
School choirs and Kids Chorus will perform their own solo songs, and each choir of GYS will be represented throughout the program.
All proceeds from the concert will be donated to the bursary fund of the Guelph Youth Music Centre. These bursaries are issued to children in the Guelph area to take part in local arts programs in the City of Guelph.
Guelph Youth Singers is an award-winning organization featuring 90 youths aged six through 18. They host auditions in December and early January for this month’s entry and in April, May and June for the September entry.
The Feb. 16 performance of “When Children Sing – a Choral Event” takes place at New Life Christian Reformed Church. Tickets are $5 per person at the door.
For more information about this show or to book an audition, contact the GYS office at 519-821-8574 or visit their website at