A weekly report prepared by the staff of the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs (OMAFRA).  If you require further information, regarding this report, call the Elora Resource Centre at 519-846-0941.  Office hours: 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

For technical information, call the Agricultural Information Contact Centre at 1-877-424-1300 or visit the OMAFRA Website:


 by John C. Benham

The December 6th edition of the Ontario Farmer had the headline “Farmers Lack Plan for the Future” that caught my eye.  The results of a survey by the Canadian Federation of Independent Business showed “that 58% of Ontario agri-business owners plan to retire, sell or close their operation within the next 10 years”.  Are you in that group?  Do you have an exit plan?  Would it not be sensible to create a plan with that exit in mind?  Are you planning to pass the farm on to a relative?  What would happen to your farm business if you passed from the business unexpectedly? Would there be legal and financial chaos? 

Attending the next Growing Your Farm Profits work shop could help you form a succession plan.  There is up to $8,000 available on a 50-50 basis to help you employ the proper experts to help you with your plan.  Don’t forget you will not own that business forever.  Don’t miss out on this opportunity.

The next GYFP two-day workshop runs Thursday, January 12th and Thursday, January 19th from 9:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. in the Elora OMAFRA meeting room.  No cost to you – lunch and refreshments supplied.

For more information and to sign up, call John at 519-846-3394 or email  If you wish you may sign up electronically by going online at     


 OMAFRA Soybean Specialist, Horst Bohner

Spring planting was sporadic and later than normal in most areas of the province due to poor weather conditions. Late planting and a very hot, dry July hindered vegetative growth so fields looked poor by mid summer. The majority of the province experienced a very good August and September growing period, with adequate heat and moisture for the crop. This made for an astonishing recovery from slow early season growth. The favourable circumstances during the reproductive stages of plant development created a situation where yields were higher than expected. Harvest of the soybean crop got underway slightly later than normal due to the late planting of the crop and rainfall. Harvest was interrupted by a couple stretches of wet weather but was finished by mid-November. Yields were much higher than expected in most areas of the province, with a remarkable provincial average yield of about 45 bu/ac, this which would be the second highest yield ever recorded in the province.

Planting – The spring of 2011 was wet and cool delaying field work, in some cases right into June. Corn planting was delayed due to prolonged wet and cold conditions in the early spring. This led to the soybean crop also being delayed. Cool and wet weather continued throughout May. The planting of soybeans was not fully underway until the last week of May and continued well into June. Ground conditions were hard and in many cases too wet when planting occurred. Plant emergence was an issue on heavy textured soils.

Growing Season – Emergence of the crop was affected in some areas where planting was too deep, or where heavy rainfall followed shortly after seeding. After the unusually wet spring, the early summer was the complete opposite. In the first three weeks of July most areas in the province received high temperatures in conjunction with near record lows in precipitation. As this lack of moisture and high temperature period coincided with the plant’s vegetative growth and early reproductive development, it led to plants being shorter than normal. The lack of moisture at this stage led to painfully slow growth. By the end of July many fields were in tough shape. Fortunately rainfall came in time for a complete recovery. The period of August/September had nearly perfect weather conditions; as this period of time coincided with the plant’s reproductive growth stages, the soybean crop was able to make an astounding recovery. 2011 exemplified how the indeterminate growth habit of soybeans allows the crop to take advantage of late season favourable conditions. Crop matured 1 week later than normal.

Soybean Pests/Diseases – Soybean pest and disease levels were lower than normal for the bulk of the province. Aphids were reported in a few counties, with spraying taking place in some locations. Most of the province did not report aphids in high concentrations this year. Bean Leaf Beetle and Japanese Leaf Beetle caused some defoliation problems that required action in a few fields, but this was an infrequent issue.

Septoria Brown Spot was widespread again this year but is not considered a disease that causes much yield loss. Sudden Death Syndrome was reported in areas to the south, as well as sandier soils, because of dry conditions and traditionally higher levels of Soybean Cyst Nematode (SCN).

Harvest progressed reasonably well, getting underway in early October and progressing through to mid-November.  A couple weeks of wet weather during mid-October delayed finishing harvest until November. Yields were reported to be as low as 25 bushels in dry areas affected by SCN to 75 bushels in areas with good moisture and growing conditions. Seed quality was high. Overall, yields were higher than expected in most areas. Challenges/Opportunities for 2012 – Soybean acres continue to increase. Shorter crop rotations will mean soybean growers have to be vigilant in selecting disease resistant varieties, scouting their crop, and applying inputs when required to prevent crop losses resulting from short rotations. SCN can also become a problem with short rotations; sandy soils are typically more likely to be affected, soil testing can confirm the presence of SCN and management strategies can be developed once the problem is identified. Low soil tests for potash are reducing yield potential on hundreds or thousands of acres every year.


