Lot drainage proves contentious in Mount Forest subdivision

Issues with lot drainage in the Reeves subdivision is a matter for residents, not the municipality.

Property committee chairman Dan Yake told Wellington North council March 7  there have been issues with lot grading and draining in a portion of that subdivision.

Chief Building Official Darren Jones has drafted a letter to be distributed to those residents, along with the subdivision agreement, grading certificate, and the grading plan.

Yake explained there have been a number of issues arise – not in the portion under construction – but the portion already built.

Problems have arisen because of changes property owners have made to the grading, whether it be by building gardens, putting up sheds, or regrading the lots.

“It’s caused some drainage issues,” Yake said.

He said the letter is being sent to all homeowners to let them know that they are not supposed to change the grading, because of the effect it has on other property owners.

“Hopefully, it will curtain some of the issues. People will have to make some changes to stop those problems.”

In clarification to questions, councillor Andy Lennox agreed that voluntary compliance would be the best way to go. He asked what options the township have if that does not achieve the desired result.

Yake explained the township is free of liability because grading certificates were issued after the lots were built.

“They were graded properly – according to the plans. The residents have made these adjustments.”

He said the idea was to try to encourage people to avoid making large changes that will alter the drainage.

Yake pointed out one change can affect a number of properties. The impact is primarily in the northern portion of the subdivision.

He said if one lot is raised, it will back up water in other lots. He stressed when certificates were issued, grading was correct.



