Great finish to summer

In a few short days, kids will again fill the streets on their way to school each morning. 

It is a good time to remind drivers that sometimes in all the excitement, the last thing on the mind of an anxious youngster is a car barreling down the road. So please drive safely.

This summer started wet and then got hot. Most gardens have flourished with full cobs of corn and tall stalks. Sunflower heads now droop under the strain of being laden with seeds. The only tough thing we have heard gardeners complain about this year was a blight that seemed to hit tomatoes and vines. Other than that, this has been a fantastic year for produce (much of it weeks early) and we assume that farmers are on a similar path with bumper field crops, albeit it looks like an early harvest for them, too.

Most years, Canadians itch for at least a week of nice weather without rain.

We have had a few this summer but this past spectacular week allowed time for most farmers, gentleman or otherwise, to get their hay off in nice condition.

Without coming across as bragging too much, we figure some second cut that we baled earlier in the week might be the best sample we have ever grown. The aroma and texture is almost perfect, which made up for some poorer stuff earlier this season.

Mother Nature continues to humble those who rely on the weather for a living. As for this summer, it has been awesome.

Weekend care

With such a spectacular summer, it would be a shame to have it ruined with a tragic accident on the final long weekend of the season.

The OPP and other police services across the province will be out in force over the coming holiday weekend to keep overly enthusiastic drivers under a modicum of control. They will be targeting speeders, aggressive drivers and people who drink and drive – for the safety of all.

This summer has also seen its share of tragedy on the waterways, and police will also be keeping an eye on those.

With everyone using a little common sense, we hope that everyone returns home safely after a relaxing holiday.


