Saugeen Territory Awards of Recognition gala cancelled for 2010

It seems the STARS won’t be shining in Wellington North this fall.

At a recent meeting, Well­ington North councillor Dan Yake noted the cancellation of the Saugeen Territory Awards of Recognition program.

“It was cancelled, for this year, anyways,” Yake said.

Mayor Mike Broomhead said the announcement came recently via email. He said sponsorships and a few other things have entered into the issue.

“They’re hoping to rejuvenate it,” said Broomhead.

He added members of Well­ington North’s economic de­vel­opment committee did not have a chance to talk about it since the announcement came after its most recent meeting.

“But I’m sure that’s going to be a hot topic for our next meeting.” He believes that was a spot where Wellington North may be able to rally and help out other communities.

“It’s always been worthwhile, and our community has benefitted extremely well.”

The Saugeen Territory Awards of Recognition was created as a program trough the Saugeen Economic Devel­opment Corporation to recognize the achievements of businesses in its territory, including Minto and Wellington North.


