New book provides anglers with tips on fishing in Grand River Country

The Grand River Conservation Authority RCA has just released a vastly up-to-date version of its popular Fishing Grand River Country book.


Essentially an entirely new book, it was researched and writ­ten by noted angler Steph­en May on behalf of the GRCA, and published by Jam­es Lorimer and Co. Ltd.

The book contains 160 pages, in full colour, with de­tailed information on fishing in all parts of the main Grand River and its major tributaries.

The Grand has more than 80 species of fish – representing 50 per cent of all fish species found in Canada.  Being a river so close to major cities, it has become a major recreational fishery of exceptionally high quality.

The book highlights all of the major sport fish species, in­cluding the best times for fish­ing, river character and access points.  There are even special sec­tions on urban angling op­por­tunities, and fishing within Grand River Conservation Areas. Proceeds from the book go to help with fisheries habitat improvement work on streams in the Grand River watershed.

To get a copy of Fishing Grand River Country, ask for it in local stores, or it is available in the online store section of the GRCA’s website at It sells for $24.95.

