Back to the solicitor

It looks like a county-wide fortification bylaw still has a few more hurdles to go before all of Well­ington County’s municipalities make the endorsement.

Wellington North council, at the recommendation of its building and property committee, is sending the proposed anti-fortification of land bylaw and draft enforcement protocol to its solicitor for comment.

Both were presented to the committee by Chief Building Official Darren Jones.

Jones presented both at a recent meeting.

Mayor Mike Broomhead said Wellington North’s building department is still not hap­py with some of the things in the proposed bylaw.

Broomhead added while some municipalities have pass­ed it, others are still reviewing it.

“Some of the building officials are not as happy as they could be with it,” the mayor added.

He said there are a couple of areas within the bylaw “where our staff want to know where they stand.”

That is why the legal opinion is being sought, Broom­head said.

