Active transportation resolution passed to recreation committee

Well­ington North council wants information from its recreation committee before making a decision on promoting a more active community.

The move resulted from receipt of a recent resolution from Minto council to Well­ing­ton County and local municipalities.

Last month, Minto endorsed a resolution recognizing that walking and cycling are two active modes of transportation that contribute to a healthy and physically active community.

Further, Minto stated “Encouraging active transportation has positive effects on the social and physical well-being of individuals in the community, which can lower health care costs.”

Minto expressed hope that “working together, the municipalities in the County of Well­ington can integrate current activities, within each individual municipality, to develop a linked county-wide active transportation plan and, as partners, can seek grant funds for such a plan.”

As a result, the town supported the creation of a terms of reference document for a county-wide active transportation plan.

It also supported the Well­ington Dufferin Guelph In Motion regional and local committees’ efforts to prepare grant applications and undertake com­munity consultation.

When the issue came up at Wellington North, it seemed that while councillors were supportive of the concept, they first wanted comment from the rec­reation committee.

Mayor Mike Broomhead asked if the recreation committee had seen the resolution.

Councillor Bob Mason, chairman of the recreation committee, said it had not.

Broomhead said the issue should go to the recreation com­mittee first since that is likely where it originated in Minto.

“I think this is a good thing that they’re doing.”

Wellington North still has to decide at what level it wants to involve itself.

Broomhead said, “But I think it should come as a recommendation from recreation.”

