Local curtain controversy draws to a close

Coun­cillors have apologized about the manner curtains were removed from the Arthur Seniors Hall.

The item came up in recent building and property committee meetings, which councillor Dan Yake believes warrant some more discussion.

The minutes state curtains for the stage in the Arthur Sen­iors Hall be purchased and installed as per the quote provided by Plumes Color Your World dated Jan. 26, pending fabric approval by the Arthur seniors.

The committee recommended that chairman Ross Chaulk report to council and the Arthur seniors the situation regarding the curtains.

Chief Building Official Darren Jones was also instructed to prepare a report regarding all renovations and maintenance to the hall over the past five  years.

Mayor Mike Broomhead added he and councillor Dan Yake went to a recent meeting at the hall, to explain what had transpired.

“We apologized to the quite a few people who were very upset. The curtains were not fire rated, but most probably it could have been handled a bit better.” He explained seniors were told that the municipality was moving ahead to have the curtains replaced and installed.

Broomhead said at the meet­ing, the seniors pointed out other aspects of the building that need to be dealt with and repaired. That work will come up at a future meeting of the building and property committee, he said.

“It was important from a council perspective to go down and explain to people what hap­pened. We explained and apologized because certainly people were upset.”

The issue cropped up earlier this year when the committee recommended non-flame spread-rated curtains for the new stage at the hall must be removed because of safety concerns.

