National Mental Health Week ran from May 3 to 9 this year

The Canadian Mental Health Association Grand River Branch (CMHA) invited all citizens, during National Mental Health Week, to ex­plore the things that would help them build a solid foundation for their mental health.

Physical, social, spiritual, and mental health are enhanced by supportive relationships and positive involvement in the workplace, neighbourhood, per­sonal social network and community. In employment, school, or volunteer place, reach out to others. Help build rapport and a supportive en­vironment. That can help re­duce stress and increase a sense of satisfaction and security in all aspects of life.

A simple gesture is all it takes to build support with a neighbour. Say hello. Welcome newcomers. Small gestures can help to create a sense of community. Creating ties to the broader community is a way to enrich our lives and the lives of others. Joining community groups, clubs, or organizations makes everyone a part of something bigger. Contribute to the community and increase a personal social network.

Respectful and warm re­lationships with the people most important; friends, family members, neighbours and co-workers help everyone to gain a sense of belonging. When people care for others, and others care for them, they feel valued. Many studies show  the primary factor in resi­lience is caring and supportive relationships that strengthens the ability to deal with life challenges.

Don Roth, executive dir­ector of CMHA Grand River Branch said, “It’s time to wake up with a new resolve and look toward building an inclusive community.”

Celebrate National Mental Health Week by visiting the Centre for Mental Health in Guelph for information on sup­ports in the community: 147 Wyndham St. N. (Monday to Friday, 9 to 5pm) 519-836-6220.

Visit for information about the local CMHA, and to access the Grand River Mental Health and Addictions Directory. Addi­tional mental health resources are available from CMHA National at

