Taxi bylaw passed at Wellington North

Council here has done its part to pass a bylaw enacting a reciprocal licensing agreement relating to accessible taxicabs, taxicabs and limousines.


The agreement is between Wellington County, the county’s Police Services Board and its lower tier municipalities.

Councillor Ross Chaulk said he favours the idea, but had concerns with parts of the bylaw that indicated there could be limits to the number of licenses issued.

“I’m all for the free market system rather than limiting them,” he said Chaulk contended the problem with limiting licences is they become more valuable.

CAO and Clerk Lori Hein­buch explained that subsection of the act, which allows limitation. However, the coun­ty itself does not have such a stipulation in place.

“They have the ability to limit … but they are not limiting them.” She added any change to that approach would require agreement from all the municipalities involved in the taxi bylaw.


