The Harriston & District Horticultural Society held the March meeting in the auditorium.
The minutes of the February meeting were read by secretary Willa Wick.
There are two bus trips coming in June. A one day trip June 7 and a two day trip June 28 and 29 to Hamilton Botanical Gardens, Dundurn Castle, and a winery tour. For more information call Marg Reidt at 519-338-5630.
The garden festival in June still needs more vendors. If anyone knows of any interesting craft or business, call Linda Campbell at 519-338-3012. It is a good way to advertise your business or expertise.
A silent auction will be part of the April meeting; notify Campbell by April 5, what you have to donate.
The speaker was Wayne Pfeffer, who demonstrated floral arranging.
The meeting was adjourned.