Public Health issues norovirus warning

Outbreaks of norovirus infection continue to be reported to Wellington-Dufferin-Guelph Public Health.  Symptoms often begin sud­denly and may include diar­rhea, vomiting, cramps, and nausea.


Public Health recommends that people who have these symptoms – especially vomit­ing or diarrhea – stay at home until they are free of symptoms for at least 48 hours. 

“The virus can spread easily through vomit and diarrhea,” said manager of control of infectious diseases program Janice Walters.  "When one person gets sick, others will get sick quickly as well. We see this especially in situations where many people gather in an enclosed area, such as a classroom or workplace."

The best way to prevent getting sick is by cleaning hands often. Wash with soap and water or use an alcohol handrub.  It’s also important to:

– avoid sharing your food, drink, or utensils, with others.

– those suffering diarrhea or vomiting should not prepare food for others. That is es­pecially important if you work in restaurants, child care programs, or medical settings.

– thoroughly clean and dis­infect contaminated surfaces im­mediately after an episode of diarrhea or vomiting. Not all household disinfectants are ef­fective against norovirus.  Refer to Public Health for information on what disin­fectants are recommended.

– immediately remove and wash clothing or linens that may be contaminated.

– flush or discard any vomit or stool in the toilet. Make sure the surrounding area is kept clean.

For more information on norovirus and how to prevent illness, visit or call a public health inspector at 1-800-265-7293 extension 4752.

