Proposed economic development budget up almost 100% to $169,000

This year’s economic development budget for Wellington North Township could be nearly double net expenditures of last year.

The proposal from last month includes ex­penditures of $169,652 and revenues of $24,252.

Last year’s net expenditures were $86,500, approximately 30% below budget. Last year’s savings were based primarily on salaries.

Major expenditures includ­ed $20,000 in marketing ex­penses, $5,000 to two Chambers of Commerce for the Wellington North Community, Visitors & Business Guide, $1,750 for STARS awards spon­sorship and $2,800 for the Industry Innovators Reception.

Plans for 2010 include a land development program:

– a work plan and funding approved for a developer’s guide and development of a five year plan;

– completion of a residential, commercial and industrial land inventory;

– discussions with Arthur and Mount Forest representatives; and

– continued involvement with land developer requests and proposals

The business retention and expansion program includes:

– Working with partners to ensure support for the OMAFRA Rural Economic Development (RED) application;

– $7,500 from the Saugeen Economic Development Cor­poration (already received);

– "in-kind" support from the chambers; and

– a plan to hire a project coordinator to lead the initiative in Wellington North.

Rural revitalization and an  Agriculture Showcase 2010 is  scheduled for March 23 at Arthur community centre. other initiatives include:

– the planning team has met and preliminary discussions were held with Saugeen Economic Development Corporation and TD Bank;

– a draft list of vendors, sponsors, and seminar topics, to be done by the end of Janu­ary;

– advertising material to be done by Feb. 15 and published by Feb. 26.

County wide partnership initiatives include:

– creation of the committee was supported, in principal, by Wellington North Council on Nov. 23.

The business retention and expansion and Business and  Industry Showcase 2010 includes :

– holding the event on March 30 at Mount Forest and District Sports Complex;

– the planning team has met and preliminary discussions were held with Saugeen Eco­nomic Development Cor­pora­tion and TD Bank;

– advertising material to be finalized by Feb. 15 and published by Feb. 26.

Additional Wellington North materials will be created and distributed including a Wellington North promotion piece, Wellington North "Wish you were here" postcards, developers’ information package, accommodations packages, walking tour maps, birding map, a photo library, way-finding signs, rental facilities pieces.

The Butter Tart Trail provides a marketable product for Wellington North to attract visitors and for stopping tourists. It will be revamped and expanded for 2010.

Opportunities will be ex­plor­ed to celebrate Wellington North’s agricultural heritage and rural traditions. Working with the local agricultural community and their retailers in the region, the objective will be to expand and promote agri-tourism opportunities. In addition to attracting visiting merchants, initiatives will include a shop-and-invest locally component.

Specific target markets will include day-trippers within a two hour drive radius of Wellington North, outdoor enthusiasts, and a shop local campaign.

A farmer’s market, "Wellington North Made" brand (similar to Made on Manitoulin), fall fairs farm tours , bus tours (all already existing and could be expanded),  and community corn roasts. Agri-tourism oppor­tunities ex­panding out of the current culinary tourism initiatives will be explored and capitalized upon.

The plan is to celebrate the local Christ­mas experience and attract visitors and stop tourists, as well as encourage shopping local to residents, and working in conjunction with local chambers, BIAs, business owners, retailers and service organizations.

Potential components include: a Midnight Madness shopping event, tree lighting ceremonies (already happening), two evening Christmas parades (already happening), a Christmas concert, play (revenue from ticket sales), in-store celebrations, and promotions, a Christmas craft and bake sales), bed and breakfasts, and farm accommodations, tree sales, a decorated house tour, carol singers, holiday lights, a gingerbread house building and a decorating contest or event.

To expand on year-round season of activities and the success of the Olympic Torch celebrations, a family-friendly Winter Festival could be held on February’s Family Day and include components such as sampling, snow-sculptures, snow obstacle course, free-skates, moon-walks, trail-walks, and a snow-man building competition.

