Puslinch council announces committees

As is the tradition at this time of year, Puslinch council has named the members of its various committees for 2010.


On Dec. 16, council decided on the make-up of five committees, some having a one year term, and some carrying over until the end of 2011.

Named to the planning ad­visory committee for two years are Robert Gordon and Brian Cowan. Named for one year are councillors Don McKay and Susan Fielding.

Members of the Puslinch community centre board and recreation commission are: Jim McMillan, Mary Helen Hohen­adel, and Fred Law, each for two years, as well as councillors Matthew Bulmer and Dick Visser for one year.

Named to the committee of adjustment for 2010 is Beverly Nykamp. Bulmer and Visser were named to the Community Oriented Police (COP) committee for 2010. McKay and Bulmer were named to the fire committee for one year.


