Preparations are well underway for the third annual book sale to be held by the Friends of the Guelph Public Library on Oct. 24 and 25.
The sale will be at a new location this year, 160 Wyndham Street North. The annual sale is the group’s major fundraising project, with proceeds invested toward the new main library.
Donations of sale items will be accepted until Oct. 16. Sale items can now be dropped off at any branch of the Guelph library during regular hours. As well, deliveries to the sorting location can be arranged by calling 519-821-5874 or 519-836-0513 to confirm receiving times.
The community is invited to donate gently used books, educational and entertainment items. Adult and children’s books, comic books, media items (CD, VHS, DVD) and complete puzzles and games are welcome; but not Readers Digest, textbooks, Harlequin Romance, encyclopedias, National Geographic, audiocassettes, LPs, or magazines.
Volunteers are needed for a variety of tasks (call 519-821-0747) for further details.
For information, visit