Sinnamon named LHIN contact for Mapleton

The township has appointed Clerk Patty Sinnamon as its contact for the Local Health Integra­tion Network (LHIN), despite at least one councillor feeling the idea smacks of redundancy.

Councillor Bruce Whale questioned the logic of creating a brand new committee to do a job that should already be done – easing communication be­tween the county, its lower tier municipalities and the Water­loo-Wellington LHIN.

“I’m not opposed to it, but to me it seems rather ridiculous,” Whale said last week.

Mayor John Green said the committee is considered an ad hoc group (temporary), and it may not be needed after a year or so.

Finance Director Mike Given explained the idea came about because several other municipalities were upset that Map­leton received funding for the Closer to Home program for seniors, while they were unaware such funds even existed.

The idea, Givens said, is to appoint one person at the county and one at each lower tier municipality to ensure such op­portunities are not missed in the future.

“We found out about it by accident, too,” Green said. He suggested the township appoint Sinnamon as its LHIN contact, since she is already involved with the network and the Closer to Home program.

Council unanimously approved that appointment.


