Alma girl won national writing contest to recognize aspiring writers

An Alma teen has won first prize in The Word Guild’s God Uses Ink novice writing awards, which recog­nize the talents of as­piring writers who have never been published.

Awards are given in three age groups:14 to 19; 20 to 29; and 30-plus.

The first prize in each division is free registration to Writ Canada, the country’s largest Christian writers’ con­ference. It is worth nearly $400.

Esther DeMol of Alma, won first prize in the 14 to 19 category, while Rikki Ratliff of Hamilton, came first in the age 20 to 29 category. Ruth Snyder of Glendon, Alberta, won the 30-plus age group.

Celebrating God’s Bless­ings: Past, Present and Future was the topic for this year’s con­test, coinciding with the theme of the 2009 conference to be held in Guelph from June 18 to 20. Entries could be sub­mitted in fiction, non-fiction, or poetry.

“There were so many ex­cellent entries this year,” said judge Dorene Meyer.

There were 48 entries in this year’s novice contest, the high­est number since the contest began in 2002.

DeMol won for Daisy Petals.

Ruth Williams, of Guelph, won third prize, a $50 gift certificate, for Sober Blessings for Yesterday, Today, and Tomor­­row in the 30-plus cate­gory.

