Upper Grand school board brings in a balanced budget at $290.4-million

The Upper Grand District School Board has approved a balanced 2009-10 school year budget – despite facing ongoing declining en­roll­ment, increasing costs, and a difficult provincial economic situation.

“This is a good News bud­get,” said board chairman Bob Borden. “Although the prov­ince has reduced funding for textbooks, classroom comput­ers, and staff development, we managed to find savings in other areas to ensure that these things are well supported.”  

The operating budget totals $290.4-million and covers sal­aries and benefits for teachers, educational assistants, text­books, and classroom supplies, and other classroom expen­ditures as categorized by the government.  It also funds school secretaries, adminis­tra­tion, operations, and trustee ex­penses which are considered non-classroom costs. The ac­com­modation budget of $20,076,475 is designated for capital and building renewal costs. Operational savings were found by closing the board’s Silvercreek education centre, which housed the Terry James resource library, as well as the information technology depart­ment, and moving the staff to the renovated Guelph board office facility.

Eliminating the lease cost of $300,000 annually for that space, and reducing transporta­tion costs by $40,000 through an RFP process for school bus contracts means the effect of government cuts to textbooks and classroom computers was mitigated.

There has been some local protest about that Request For Proposal process, and county council has decided to ask the provincial government to delay further bids for school bus routes because they are being won by multi-national corpora­tions to the detriment of smal­ler local bus companies.

“We were also able to provide additional funds for school budgets which have suffered from cut backs in previous years.  We heard the prin­cipals loud and clear when they asked us not to cut their budgets again,” Borden said.

Ministry grants to the board were up 3.4% over the previous year, which covers the costs of the salary increases for staff negotiated earlier this year under the provincial framework agreements.

