Council backs down on farm charge

It looks like Wellington North is going to step back and exempt agricultural development charges.

Near the end of Monday’s council meeting Mayor Mike Broomhead stated “Tonight, I’d promised I was going to have a report together [regarding the recent public meeting on development charges] … which I do have.”

“Unfortunately, it’s not a good night to bring it up without all five councillors in attendance.”

Councillors John Matusinec and Dan Yake were absent, leaving only three of the five member council in attendance.

He planned to discuss that report next Monday, when all councillors are present.

“The one thing I can say, is that there was a consensus of all five people of council that as far as the farm element of de­velopment charges . . . it’s going to be eliminated as it sits  now.”

Broomhead said there will be a report from consultant Gary Scandlon as well.

He said the farm component would be removed.

Councillor Ross Chaulk said that would affect farms sheds, drive sheds and other buildings.

Broomhead said he would rather give the report when all council is there, but noted the information was what people were waiting to hear.


