Erin council reconsiders Maieron’s waste survey

Town council has overturned its previous decision and decided to support the dispersal of county councillor Lou Maieron’s solid waste survey.

At its budget meeting on March 10, council decided to provide a maximum of $1,650 to cover the cost of mailing out the survey, provided Maieron provides documentation.

Councillors also stressed there will be no involvement of town staff and resources, and that all previous resolutions are rescinded.

A week earlier, council had turned down a resolution to cover the entire cost to print and mail about 4,000 copies of the six-page surveys – estimated by staff to be about $5,200.

It then passed a motion to have the survey posted on the town website with directions for emailing answers to the town, as well as a stipulation to place ads in local Newspapers and to have 200 copies of the survey printed and given to Maieron for distribution as he saw fit.

