$1,000 scholarship available for students

Applications are now being accepted by Guelph Women in Networking for its an­nual $1,000 scholarship. Ap­plications must be post-dated by April 15.

Scholarship applicants must be:

– female;

– full-time college or uni­versity students;

–  in a program of study  over 30 weeks in duration;

– enrolled in first year of studies or have completed at least one year of study;

– a permanent resident of Wellington County, or a regis­tered student at a college or university in Wellington Coun­ty; and

– striving for academic ex­cellence, showing responsibility and leadership, are involved in their local and scholastic com­munity, and are working to­wards a career that will advo­cate, promote, or enhance the success of women.

Applications and sub­mis­sion requirements are available at www.gwin.ca.

