Council: posting Maieron’s waste survey on website better than mailing

Town council will not foot the entire bill to distribute county councillor Lou Maieron’s waste services survey – but has pledged to help in other ways.

On March 3, Erin councillor Josie Wintersinger proposed a motion to cover the entire cost to print and mail about 4,000 copies of the six-page surveys (three pages, double sided) – estimated by staff to be about $5,200.

But the rest of council disagreed and found that cost too expensive.

“I don’t think it does what we want, and we will get very little back in return,” said councillor John Brennan.

He feels under two per cent of the surveys would be returned, and instead suggested the town post the survey on its website so residents can email their responses, and place advertising in local Newspapers to inform people of the move.

“I have a concern with that,” councillor Ken Chapman said of Brennan’s proposal. He noted many residents do not have or use computers.

Councillor Barb Tocher and Mayor Rod Finnie, on the other hand, liked Brennan’s idea.

“It is a problem [to mail the survey] when it’s that bulky,” Finnie said, noting it is very important the town receives as many responses as possible to get an accurate portrayal of residents’ opinions about solid waste issues.

Wintersinger replied that is precisely why the town should cover the cost of mailing the surveys.

“I realize it is a high cost,” she said. “But maybe that’s the price we have to pay to get a true response.”

Tocher suggested the surveys could be distributed at the Hillsburgh transfer station, and Brennan added the same could be done at the local library. Finnie said it is more likely staff at the library would agree, but there is no guarantee at either location because both fall under the county’s control.

Wintersinger’s motion to cover the cost for mailing the surveys was defeated by a 3-2 vote, with only herself and Chapman in favour, and Fin­nie, Tocher and Brennan op­posed.

A subsequent motion to have the survey posted on the town website with directions for emailing answers to the town, was passed 3-2, with the same councillors voting together.

Also included in the ap­proved motion was a stipulation to place ads in local papers and to have 200 copies of the survey printed and given to Maieron for distribution as the county councillor sees fit.


