Schneider Power wind turbines get green light

It is a green light for Schneider Power’s wind energy project northeast of Arthur.

For Arthur village, it means there will be five, 400-feet high wind turbines on the outskirts of the community by the end of the year.

On Monday, Wellington North councillors approved the final bylaw to amend the wind energy application to construct five wind turbines south of Line 2 and north of the former railway right of way in West Luther, near the village’s sewage lagoons.

Planner Mark Van Patter said he believes earlier issues have been addressed, including the height of the turbines themselves.

When Van Patter last commented to council he believed the turbine height was to be in­creased from 119 to 149 metres and he had concerns about the potential impacts. Instead the proposed height is 121.5 metres (400 feet).

Van Patter also reviewed supporting background studies and wrote he believes any effects can or will be mitigated.

He said the changes im­proved the original draft plan.

One of those changes provides more complete identification of where the turbines will be located – allowing a 30 metre area of flexibility – in case there are site specific issues.

Van Patter stated that after the by­law is passed, the township solicitor and building inspect will still need to discuss site plan control details.

Mayor Mike Broomhead noted that after the big an­nouncement the previous week, all of the township’s efforts may have been for naught.

“What we’re hearing is that the province knows how to do it better – so they are taking it over.”

Van Patter had not heard specific details, but said that is where the control of such projects may end up.

Broomhead said the time and effort was still appreciated.

Representatives of Schneid­er Power noted they were in the process of finalizing the civil engineering and and site plan agreement. The intent is to begin work on the foundations by mid-June.

The turbines themselves are expected to be delivered in early September, with turbines being put up shortly thereafter.

The overall goal is to have the turbines commissioned by December.

