Positive comments on Minto 10th anniversary

Councillors here are considering commandeering the weekend before Family Day every year for a winter celebration.

In discussing the success of the town’s recent 10th anniversary event, deputy-mayor Judy Dirksen said there were a number of good comments from those attending.

As well, Dirksen relayed comments from those who suggested the town hold a similar event each year on the Sunday before Family Day.

“It was a great day and those who attended had a fabulous time,” Dirksen said.

Councillor Tammy Reiner said 20 families from across Minto took part in creating various snow families.

“They were so well done, we did a draw to pick the winners.”

She hoped that all the photos will be kept on display at the town office.

Reiner added it was a bit tricky getting the right weather  this year.

The Brookings family, of RR3 Clifford, were the winners of the competition draw.

