“I can’t vote Conservative this time” is a sentiment that is catching on – and for good reason.
The calling of a February election in the middle of a national crisis with over a year left in Ford’s majority government was one thing.
Having PC headquarters appoint a candidate, denying local input, was another.
But denying that local PC candidate for Wellington-Halton Hills a chance to participate in local debates is a whole other thing.
No-show Joseph Racinsky isn’t alone, as there are reports of PC candidates across Ontario who are also being silenced by head office.
Matthew Rae, incumbent PC member for Perth-Wellington, continues – like his soon-to-be former colleague Ted Arnott always did – to attend events and engage with the public.
Wellington-Halton Hills deserves no less and shame on Racinsky for not standing up to his Toronto handlers.
We have heard it explained away by Tories and their sympathizers that candidate nights are of little value. We heartily disagree.
While we have great misgivings with the head-office mentality Ford’s Conservatives have engaged in, we are pleased to see other local candidates who understand the significance of candidate nights.
On those occasions, the people speak. The wise amongst the candidates listen intently and put faces to issues.
Churchill’s iteration of the famous quote “Democracy is the worst form of government, except for all the others” still holds true.
It can be messy, time consuming and unsatisfying at times, but it remains the best chance for all people, rich or poor, educated or less so, religious or otherwise, to have their say.
Any or all can participate, as is their right.
With all the turmoil in today’s world, democracy cannot afford to be weakened.
Ford and his party are arrogantly taking the voters of Wellington-Halton Hills for granted.
Fly your flag proudly
It isn’t yet Canada Day, but with the state of world affairs, we decided to pay heed to Flag Day in Canada on Feb. 15.
On page 19, we have a Canadian flag for readers to display.
Pages 20 and 21 feature a fun page for younger readers to enjoy.
We are proud of Canada and join with like-minded people across this country that appreciate freedom and democracy.