Debt disputed for Arthur pool

When it comes to how much money still needed to pay for the Arthur pool, Mayor Mike Broomhead said council needs to consider not just the money on hand … but what is still on tap.

A recent financial statement to Wellington North’s pool fundraising committee showed an outstanding amount of $385,993. At the Jan. 8 committee meeting, Glenn and Ken Dixon, of the Arthur Lions Club, presented a cheque for $4,000. The club had pledges $25,000 to the pool and it now has paid $23,000.

Broomhead said that for the information of council the amount listed is actually much less. He said that amount was for money that had come in.

Broomhead explained there are still development charges of $76,000 to be applied, plus grants and outstanding pledges. He said if all that is taken into consideration, the outstanding amount is about $270,000 still left to raise.

He said that overall development charges that could be applied is $141,861. The amount used so far is $66,713.

“We’ve still got a way to go on the fundraising,” Broom­head said. “It’s getting dwindled down.”

He added that he hopes everyone on council could attend the Groundhog Day dinner Feb. 5 which is a fundraiser for the aquatic centre.

