Town to celebrate life of Robbie Burns on Jan. 24

The year 2009 marks the 250th anniversary of Robert Burns’ birth, and to honour that anniversary, Scot­land has declared 2009 Home­coming year and invites all of Scots heritage to return in 2009 for what will be a year-long celebration of Scottish heritage and culture.

As part of that celebration, more than 450 Burns Suppers are being held around the world as an attempt is made to record the world’s biggest ever Burns supper.

Originally started a few years after his death by a group of his friends and acquain­tan­ces to honour his memory, the suppers in tribute to the life and works of Robert Burns are now celebrated annually on or around the date of his birth, Jan. 25.

The Fergus Scottish Festi­val and Highland Games, and the Grand Celtic and Fergus Pipe Bands are proud to host A Night With Robbie Burns at the Fergus Legion on Jan. 24.

No Burns supper would be complete without the haggis, the drink (normally Whiskey), the songs, the recitals, the dance, and of course the most important ingredient of all, the fun.

If Burns were alive today, he, too, would surely have enjoyed the celebrations.

This year the Fergus Burns tribute will be led by Denis Snowden, a long time friend of the Fergus Scottish Festival. Snowden was born in Glasgow, and is the producer and host of A Little Breath of Scotland.

Snowden celebrated the 40th anniversary of that popu­lar radio program in October 2005 and the longevity of his show is an achievement that very few in the industry can match.

A Little Breath of Scotland is the longest running Scottish show in North America, per­haps the world, and is the top rated show on AM740.

Also participating in the celebration will be Fergus’ John K. Campbell with the Ad­dress to a Haggis, Don & Liz Dewar with the toast to the lassies and the reply, a music recital and Scottish country dancing from Whirlygig, and the pipes and drums of the Fergus Pipe Band and the Grand Celtic Pipe Band.

The celebration will begin at 5:30pm with a roast beef and Haggis dinner served promptly at 6:25pm. Tickets are available on-line at www.­fergus­scottish­ or at the festival office, Centre Welling­ton Cham­ber of Com­merce office and the Wee Scottish Shop & More, and are $39 per person until Jan. 15 – after which they will be $42.50.

The Fergus Scottish Fes­tival and Highland Games is proud to present, promote and preserve Scottish Culture and will host its 64th festival Aug. 7 to 9.

