Borden acclaimed for fifth term at Upper Grand school board

Bob Borden, a trustee representing Orange­ville, was as acclaimed to his fifth term as chairman of the Upper Grand District School Board, at the inaugural meeting held on Dec. 2.

Trustee Ralph Edwards, who represents the Townships of Guelph-Eramosa, the Town of Erin, and the Township of Puslinch, was acclaimed as vice-chairman.

Their terms of office run until December 2009.

Borden thanked his fellow trustees for their vote of confi­dence in his leadership. He said that he appreciates the oppor­tu­nity to get out meet and network with staff in the system whose efforts support student success in Upper Grand schools.

Borden challenged his fel­low trustees to engage in mean­ingful discussions with senior staff to develop a board strate­gic plan that reflects current economic realities and the hopes and expectations of the community.

He talked about other issues and challenges facing the board in the near future and the year ahead:

– Declining enrollment and, in the current climate, that the financial situation will not be status quo next budget year;

– Continuing negotiations with secondary teachers to reach a collective agreement by the government’s deadline of Jan. 30, and hope that the re­turn of elementary teachers (ETFO) to the provincial dis­cussion table will lead to an agreement with the government to allow for successful local negotiations

– Current accommodation and boundary review in Centre Wellington, Central Guelph, East Wellington Dufferin, and coming reviews;

– Supporting staff in helping students meet the expectations of the provincial government in EQAO assessments; and

– The reality that there will be fewer resources from the provincial government at a time when there are increased community expectations.

Borden spoke about the need to do whatever possible to support student achievement and to maintain the collegial and focused approach that is the trademark of the Upper Grand District School Board.

Trustees were elected to serve as chairmen and vice-chair­men of the board’s Standing Committees:

– program: chairman Mark Bailey and vice-chairman, Susan Moziar, acclaimed;

– business operations, Jen­nifer Waterston, and Bruce Schieck, acclaimed.


