Annual Hike for Hospice Wellington will run May 3 at The Arboretum

On May 2, com­munity members of Guelph and Wellington County will participate in the eighth annual Hike for Hospice Well­ington, which takes place at The Arboretum, University of Guelph, from noon to 3pm.


To accommodate families with young children as well as participants who may have mobility challenges, a shorter distance route with even terrain is being included.

Participants will be offered a light food and beverage buffet in the Arbo­retum Centre, with pet sitting services available on the patio.

Senator Sharon Carstairs, former minister with special responsibility for palliative care, will be in attendance. Local singer-songwriter Rob­bie Hancock is providing live entertainment, a special child­ren’s activity area organized by experienced Hospice volunteer Barb McHattie, and a T-shirt are included in the registration fee.

“The Hike for Hospice palliative care has three main goals: awareness, fundraising, and recognition,” explained Rosslyn Bentley, Hospice Well­ington Executive Director.  “So many people are afraid of death and grief but we can show how it is all really part of life.”

The annual event helps to shine a spotlight on the work done by hospice palliative care volunteers and professionals across the country.

“I am in awe of the extra­ordinary care, compassion, and understanding provided by the hospice palliative care com­munity. I will never forget the care that was given to both my parents,” said Peter Mans­bridge, honourary national chairman of the Hike for Hospice Palliative Care and National Hospice Palliative Care Week.

Sherri Kasten, Hospice Wellington volunteer, said, “As a caregiver, I needed support and I appreciated that Hospice put me in touch with one of the caregivers’ support group lead­ers. It made it okay for me to talk about what I was experi­encing. You don’t realize how desperate you are for help, be­cause your focus is on helping the person you love.”

Hike for Hospice Palliative Care is a national event, with thousands of participants across Canada.

All funds raised in this year’s hike by Hospice Wellington will be used to support programs and services provided at no charge to residents of Wellington Coun­ty. To support or participate in Hike for Hospice Palliative Care, or for more information, contact Victoria Coates  at 519 836-3921 or visit www.hos­pice­  To learn more about the Hike for Hospice Palliative Care, visit

